Don’t have the time to listen to all 705 glee songs to decide which is best? Don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! Here are our top tens, from moody to upbeat, from dark to bright, from season 1 to season 6!
The Scientist: One of our all-time favourite songs, who would have thought that our beloved cast is even better than Coldplay? ;)
Don’t stop believing - need that little extra-kick hitting in before the next show? Here you go, you’re welcome!
We’re young - and never too old to listen to that song!
Bad Romance - hopefully you’re not caught in it, but still listening to this masterpiece!
Bohemian Rhapsody - do we even need to explain why this is on here?
True Colors - show me a smile, then! ;)
Shake it out - every time before you hit the stage!
Gangnam Style - oh yes, we did dare putting it on here!
Footloose - dance and sing away!!
Take my breath away - hopefully only when you’re on stage next time with your performance!
Link to the playlist: